Escapade Nigeria-Business Services/Consulting in Nigeria Employee Attitude Towards Work | Escapade Nigeria Business Services and Consulting Nigeria Employee Attitude Towards Work | Escapade Nigeria
Escapade Nigeria

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Employee Attitude Towards Work

•Evaluative statements – either favorable or unfavorable – concerning objects, people or events
•Attitudes reflect how one feels about something

•Attitudes are the feelings and beliefs that largely determine how employees will perceive their environment  , commit themselves to intended actions and ultimately behave.
Three Main 
Components of Attitudes:
Cognition – an opinion or belief
  “I just found out I am paid 20% less than my coworkers.”
Affect – the emotional or feeling segment associated with that belief
  “I feel angry that I am not being treated fairly.”
Behavior – the intention to behave in a certain way
“I am going to quit this job soon as I can, and I am taking the red stapler with me!” 

Major Job Attitudes:
•Job Satisfaction
•Job Involvement
•Psychological Empowerment
•Organizational Commitment
–Affective commitment
–Continuance commitment
–Normative commitment
•Perceived Organizational Support (POS)
•Employee Engagement

What Determines Job


Evidence indicates that the most
important factors conducive to job
satisfaction are
–Mentally challenging work
Equitable rewards
–Supportive working conditions
Supportive colleagues

The Benefits of
•Better job and organizational
•Better organizational citizenship behaviors(OCB – Discretionary 
behaviors that contribute to organizational effectiveness, but are
not part of employees’ formal job description)
•Greater levels of customer satisfaction
•Generally lower absenteeism and turnover
•Decreased instances of workplace deviance

Implications for Managers:
  • Employee attitudes give warnings of potential problems and influence behavior

•Satisfied and committed employees 
exhibit behaviors that increase
 organizational outcomes
•Managers must measure job attitudes
 in order to improve them
•Most important elements a manager
 can focus on are the intrinsic parts of 
the job: making the work challenging
 and interesting
•High pay is not enough to create

•You can’t build a great
 company without great
 people:  The problem is how
 do you know the great
 people when you see them?

•The answer is simple: Their
 attitude with others’

Attitude is everything…..
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About Anonymous

I have great negotiating and persuasive skill which has developed over time with my involvement in business start-ups and acquisition. As a manager and trainer with my appealing character, I foster the innate abilities of my colleagues/subordinates and I also give innovative ideas/technical support for would-be entrepreneurs..
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